PC LED Lamping Tube Extrusion Line
Testing PC LED Lamping Tube Machine Line in Taiwan

location: Taiwan
This Taiwanese customer has already purchased their 4th PC LED lampshade machine from their trusted alliance, Everplast. We are glad to keep growing up and expanding with our customers through our cooperation. They use PC diffuser and PC with glass fiber material to produce the co-extrusion PC LED tube. The LED lamping prodcut is getting popular in all over the world, because of the engery saving characteristic , longer lifetime and has better efficiency than tradational lamping. Everplast has been the leader in this industry because we are able to provide products with special and customize design. Furthermore, we have been developing new technologies and innovating for years in order to serve our customers better and better.
set up date: Dec, 2015
PI/PH: 1PI15313/1PH15322
PC LED Lampshade Machine Line

Single Screw Extruder Machine

Profile Extrusion Machine Line
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